أي صورة متوفرة

Iron & Manganese in Groundwater

 المؤلف: مجهول  تصنيف الكتاب: كيمياء محطات المياة  الناشر: مدونة التناضح العكسى  الدولة: غير معروف  اللغة: الانجليزية  تحميل الكتاب
 مقتطفات من الكتاب:

Iron & Manganese in
Iron and manganese are metallic elements present in many types of rock. Iron has
the symbol “Fe” and manganese has the given symbol “Mn.” Both are commonly
found in water and are essential elements required in small amounts by all living
organisms. Concentrations of iron and manganese in groundwater are often higher
than those measured in surface waters.
The Aesthetic Objective (AO) for iron in drinking water is less than or equal to
0.3 milligrams per litre (mg/L) while the Aesthetic Objective for manganese in
drinking water is less than or equal to 0.05 mg/L. The taste and smell of manganese
or iron at concentrations above the drinking water guidelines may be noted by
some water users.


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