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Design Considerations of a Packed Calcite Bed for Hardening Desalinated Water

 المؤلف: Hilla Shemer, David Hasson  تصنيف الكتاب:  الناشر: مدونة التناضح العكسى  الدولة: غير معروف  اللغة: الانجليزية  تحميل الكتاب
 مقتطفات من الكتاب:

Design Considerations of a Packed Calcite Bed for Hardening
Desalinated Water

Since desalinated water is practically devoid of minerals, a
certain degree of remineralization is necessary in order to meet
health requirements and make the water palatable and
noncorrosive. Nevertheless, water quality goals for posttreatment processes are most often site-specific based on the
water source, the membrane process, and the existing water
system. Duranceau et al.1 conducted a survey of industry
practice of post-treatment stabilization of desalinated water. On
the basis of this information, guiding water quality specifications were proposed. The guidelines are listed in Table 1, along


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